This Week's Picks to Break, Chosen by the HITS Editorial Staff
For the Week of: 04/12-04/18/2024
LW: 9 2W: - 3W: -
10K Projects
album: N/A
track: i like the way you kiss me
39m+ monthly Spotify listeners; 357m+ global career streams; 200m+ Spotify streams on "i like the way you kiss me," averaging 9m daily streams on DSPs; first #1 Spotify Global track, hit #1 Global Viral 50; first #1 on Germany's Top 100 Singles chart and U.K. Top 10 single; sold-out headline tour began 4/20 (EU/U.S.); 1.1m+ TikTok UGC on multiple sounds, daily average increase of 100k UGC; 414k Reels UGC. Booking: Max Braun/Wasserman. Mgmt: Hamish Harris/Sept Mgmt